LIMS Complete Buyer’s Guide

How to make a choice that will work for your quality control laboratory

Everything you need to know about LIMS. Packed in one eBook

Types of LIMS, evaluation criteria, laboratory requirements checklists, implementation FAQs  – you’ll find it all, and even more, in our eBook.


Find the answers to all your LIMS questions: what is LIMS for? What types of LIMS exist, how do they compare, and what are the requirements for a high-quality LIMS?

Choosing the
right LIMS

How do you choose a LIMS that will fit your lab? Discover five main criteria to evaluate laboratory information management systems and make a confident choice.

Implementation strategy

Is it possible to transition to a new system in one month? In our guide, you will find the step-by-step LIMS implementation strategy for a seamless LIMS transition.

What’s inside?

30 insightful pages
Featuring expert recommendations, LIMS assessment criteria, and a six-step LIMS implementation strategy.
11 comprehensive tables
Comparing different types of LIMS, showing industry statistics, and breaking down LIMS pricing models.
7 practical checklists
To write laboratory requirements, select the right vendor, and choose the most suitable LIMS for your lab.
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Wherever you are on your LIMS journey, we’ve got you covered

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